FORE-MATT Home Computing Amiga Software

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      Tel: +44 (0)8700 11 22 34

      FORE-MATT Home Computing (Dept e)
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      SN4 8RX

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100%AMIGA CD Magazine - The future of magazines

April Highlights:
* Hot Off the Press - Farland CONspiracy
* Amiga 2001 Special Feature - a run down of the recent announcements and
future plans from Amiga at the St Louis show.
* News - Future Publishing make massive losses, the Amiga programmer
shortage, new hardware and software reports
* Feature - Show report from the Alt.woa show by Fleecy Moss of Amiga.
* Charts - Top Ten alt.woa sellers
* Sneak Peeks - Silencer
* Your chance to play the latest demos of Payback and Land of Genesis
* Payback reviewed
* FREE puzzle game: Blockhead

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Trial issue �5
6 month subscription �30
12 month subscription �48
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If you would like to contribute any material or articles for the magazine
please email or send to:

100%AMIGA Submissions
PO Box 835
Wootton Bassett


                               PRINT MAGAZINES

Clubbed Subscription    UK �10    EU �12    Americas �14    R.O.W. �15

Clubbed  is  a  quarterly magazine produced  by  the  SEAL  user
group.  The above subscription price includes P&P and is  for  1
year  (4  issues).News,    Reviews   and   Tutorials   including
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magazine with 40 pages and colour cover.  For more details go to

                            MAGAZINE BACK ISSUES           limited stock!

            (Please add �1 per magazine towards post and

100%AMIGA Jan 2001onwards �5 each

Amiga Pulse 14  �2.50  Game Reviews: Amiga Classix 2, UVW, Joyride,
Foundation Gold
Serious Reviews: PhotoFolio 2, Art Effect 4, Amiga Writer 2, B-Vision

Amiga Pulse 15  �2.50  Game Reviews: Hell Squad, Apano Sin, Turrican x3,
Xenon 2 CD
Serious Reviews: EASys! System Enhancer, FXPaint 1.5, FXScan 2, Extreme 2,
Tornado 3DFeatures: Heretic 2 walkthrough part 1, SDK first impressions,
Designing web

Amiga Survivor 7     �2  Amiga Games Magazine

Amiga Format (Oct 96) �1  Mag only-No cover CD.Feature on emulators.

Amiga Format (Apr 97) �5  AFCD12:Cinema 4D2,PPaint6.4,The Party 96

Amiga Format (Jan 98) �5  AFCD22:AmigaE3.3a,VisualPrefs,AmiCDFS2.39,AHI4

Amiga Format (Mar 98) �5  AFCD24:Doom fever,registeredLZX,emulators

Amiga Format (Apr 98) �5  AFCD25:UFO,WW7demo,Typeface,Python1.4,AmIRC2

Amiga Format (May 98) �5  AFCD26:PPaint7,phase 5 software,SFX3.6,Miami3

Amiga Format (Jun 98) �5  AFCD27:F1GrandPrix,HDInstallers,Linux/m68k

Amiga Format (Oct 98) �5  AFCD31:MakeCD3.2,new superview,new virus checker

Amiga Format (Nov 98) �5  AFCD32:Napalm demo,XPK,Datatypes,Pakman,Miami

Amiga Format (Dec 98) �5  AFCD33:Quakeaddons,DiskSafe1.24,Mame0.34.1

Amiga Format (Xmas98) �5  AFCD34:AmigaWriter1.1demo,Wildfire7demo

Amiga Format (Jan 99) �5  AFCD35:Lha(full version),.mp3 Tag editing

Amiga Format (Feb 99) �5  AFCD36:QNX,303tracker,Golded5demo,Stfax updates

Amiga Format (Mar 99) �5  AFCD37:Shapeshifter3.10,Cycas cad demo

Amiga Format (Apr 99) �5  AFCD38:Napalm demo,Amplifier MP3 player,hexenport

Amiga Format (May 99) �5  AFCD39:Hexen/heretic ports,latest comms s/w

Amiga Format (Jun 99) �5  AFCD40:Linux Apus PPC,VBCCcompiler.WBgames

Amiga Format (Jul 99) �5  AFCD41:EvilsDoomdemo,webtools,audiotools

Amiga Format (Aug 99) �5  AFCD42:DigitalAlmanac2,AmigaNCP(psion),descent

Amiga Format (Sep 99) �5  AFCD43:Lithtechdemo,musiccollection&tutorial

Amiga Format (Oct 99) �5  AFCD44:Impereator,golded6,ppaint7.1,jimcollas!!

Amiga Format (Nov 99) �5  AFCD45:Space,Calidan,AFBase,20topWBaddons

Amiga Format (Dec 99) �5  AFCD46:TZero,PerfectPaint,iBrowse2,Crystaldemos

Amiga Format (Xmas99) �5  AFCD47:Euroburn,PureBasic,YAMexpansion,webcreator

Amiga Format (Jan 00) �5  AFCD48:Exodus,WastedDreams,STFax4demos,Cybermagic

Amiga Format (Feb 00) �5  AFCD49:VBFdemo,HellSquaddemo,movieplayers,Ftrans

Amiga Format (Mar 00) �5  AFCD50:Fusion/PCX(full),voyager3,Quakesourcecode

Amiga Format (Apr 00) �5  AFCD51:PPaint7.1(full),fxpaintdemo,newdatatypes

Amiga Review issue 1 �1  (No disk version). Limited stock still available

Amiga Review issue 3 �1 (Final Data cover disk) Mail order magazine

Amiga Review issue 4 �1  (No disk version). Mail order magazine

CU Amiga (Jul 98) �5  CUCD24:Scalos,SWOS98,Gathering98,MajorBank accounts

CU Amiga (Jun 98) �5  CUCD23:Reality Game Creator,WebFX,PPC Doom

CU Amiga (Dec 97) �5  CUCD17:PC Task 3.1,DIR Work 2.1, icon special

CU Amiga (Nov 97) �5  CUCD16:Draw Studio 2 lite,Air Link software

CU Amiga (May 97) �1  Mag only-no cover CD. The Future's Bright feature
plus Build Your Own Tower part 2,Internet Radio,printer & s/w reviews

CU Amiga (Mar 97) �5  CUCD8:Octamed Soundstudio(full) + samples

CU Amiga (Feb 97) �5  CUCD7:Design Works(full),imagine extras,Worms extras

CU Amiga (Dec 96) �5  CUCD5:Wordworth3.1se,Tune of the month,game demos

CU Amiga (Oct 96) �3  Cover disks are Upper Disk Tools (full program)
and Mikro Mortal Tennis. Feature story on accelerators.

                             Tel: 08700 11 22 34
